asked and answered!

The curious questions the world has about How Are We ❤️✨

  • Share your feedback by following this link and you’ll get exclusive access to our #Apptivist community where you can talk directly with the How Are We team, as well as other Apptivists, to share your wants and needs!

    It’s like an on-demand app development service for your wellbeing. ;)

    Not to mention the fact that you’ll be contributing to helping people’s lives around the planet. Let’s gooo! 👫

  • Soon! We’ve just got a couple of things to do before How Are We will be available on Android.

    Are you ready for it? If so, sign up using our form here.

    In the meantime, follow us on Insta here and our mama, How Mental here for all the relatable content you need to take care of your mind 🧠

  • When we check-in with How Are We’s emoji slider, the app will assign a score to our feeling from 1-100 (where 1 = very sad and 100 = very happy.

    Then, it takes the average of everyone around the planet’s ‘feeling scores’ in the last 24h to create the Live Worldwide Feeling Score!

    This number is important because, until now, we’ve never had a way to measure wellbeing. At least, not an easy one for us to use and certainly not one that we can all access.

    How Are We gives us all a chance for our feelings to be heard globally. By our friends, family, organisations and governments. So there’s no excuse for not doing what we need to help people’s wellbeing. 👌

    For more info, check out our About page!

  • Numbers help us ground our feelings and contextualise them with how we’ve felt over time.

    If I say I feel ‘good’ today, and I said I felt ‘good’ yesterday. It would be difficult to compare exactly how my feelings have changed. How Are We uses a scale of 1-100 to help us get into the details of our feelings!

  • If by ‘better’ you mean ‘happier’ then yes!

    If by ‘better’ you mean ‘more successful’ then not necessarily…

    Sure, if your aim is to feel happier, then you would be successful in achieving that.

    But, at How Are We, we believe all feelings are equally valuable. From sadness to happiness and everything in between. Each one is important and has something to teach us!

    Read the next question ‘Should I aim to score a higher number?’ to understand why!

  • This is like saying ‘should I aim to be happier’?

    Well, that’s a philosophical question! ✨

    Some people believe in a life where happiness is the ultimate goal (it’s called ‘hedonism’). Other people believe in a life of purpose or ‘eudaimonia’.

    We believe all feelings have a lot to teach us. By becoming aware of them, accepting them and learning from them, we’re able to find our way forward - no matter where that might lead!

    The most important thing is that we’re not repressing things or bottling up our emotions. That’s when life gets confusing and potentially dangerous for our wellbeing. By listening to our hearts continuously, we are best able to live our lives true to who we are. 🥰

  • We believe our wellbeing is the most important thing in life.

    Without a simple way to measure it and track changes over time, it’s hard to figure out what we need: both as individuals and as a society!

    How Are We helps us measure our feelings continuously in order to understand our wellbeing. This helps us make more informed decisions when it comes to taking care of and improving our wellbeing. And, last but not least, it lets us do this TOGETHER as a community which encourages us more than trying to do it all on our own.

    For more info on this, check out our About page. :)

  • Not yet! We understand it’s not always easy to check-in with How Are We as we’re experiencing a feeling sometimes. Or, we’re just busy. So, this feature is coming out in the next version of the app. Stay tuned! And, if you want any more features, we’re all 👂👂👂!

    Share your feedback by following this link and you’ll get exclusive access to our #Apptivist community who can talk directly with the How Are We team and share their wants and needs. It’s like an on-demand app development service for your wellbeing. ;) Not to mention the fact that you’ll be contributing to helping people’s lives around the planet. Let’s gooo! 👫

  • Yes. Currently, we do not have this feature available in-app. However, if you email us on we will delete and confirm deletion with you ASAP.