
talks, workshops & meet-ups for our wellbeing 🥳👫✍️

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Featured Event 👀

As part of our mission to improve wellbeing for generations to come, we’re offering FREE ‘Mental Space’ to help us all take the time and space to care for our minds! 💁‍♀️

Check it out using the button below!

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All Events 🎊

  • Type: Workshop

    This workshop helps people take the time and space (that we often don’t allow ourselves to take) to deeply reflect on their feelings, wants & needs and make a plan of action for the future!

    Like maintaining physical fitness, this workshop works best as a regular fixture to help people maintain self-awareness: weekly, monthly or quarterly.

  • Type: Talk

    ‘Mental health’ has historically been shrouded in stigma, associated with being “crazy” and asylums… But today, and especially since COVID-19, its definition has changed to become more applicable to everyone’s wellbeing.

    But why did it change? How does Gen Z “the snowflake generation” view mental health? And what implications does its new definition have for society’s future? Let’s find out!

  • The LGBTQIA+ population is growing at an unprecedented rate, (up to 20% among Gen Z). But they community suffer with mental health significantly more than anyone else. Why?!

    We’ll uncover the truth about the rise of 'queerness', its relationship with mental health and the keys it holds to creating a safe space for everyone! Gender, identity, pronouns, draggg 😍, trans and LGBTQ+ history: This talk empowers people to start conversations around the biggest taboos with ease. Rainbow flags up!!

  • The LGBTQIA+ population is growing at an unprecedented rate, (up to 20% among Gen Z). But they community suffer with mental health significantly more than anyone else. Why?!

    We’ll uncover the truth about the rise of 'queerness', its relationship with mental health and the keys it holds to creating a safe space for everyone! Gender, identity, pronouns, draggg 😍, trans and LGBTQ+ history: This talk empowers people to start conversations around the biggest taboos with ease. Rainbow flags up!!

  • Most of us are taught that either we’re creative or analytical, left or right-brained: But that’s NOT true!

    This workshop will help us understand creativity, why it’s important for our wellbeing and learn how to harness its power in everyday life. We’ll look at how we can overcome fear with ‘play’ at any age and the underlying philosophy behind creativity: Possibility 💫

    Touching on painting, poetry, music, dance and all other sorts of self-expression - this is one workshop you don’t want to miss 😘

  • Social media was meant to connect us and has taken the world by storm. But, with the rise of loneliness - is it really helping us? The short answer: Yes and no (of course!)

    Over the past 7 years, I cultivated the world’s largest community dedicated to mental health on social media, with 750K+ followers including the biggest influencers (Bella Hadid, Emma Bunton, etc). But to do this, I had to overcome the dark side of social media…

    It’s time we get the truth behind the selfies, understand the paralysis of self-comparison and learn how to use social media to help us connect - or let it disconnect us more than ever before.

  • We’ve all been told a high IQ, academic success and a good job are the best reflection of our intelligence. But can good grades improve our romantic relationships? Will they help us through depression? And are they really going to get us that promotion?

    No matter what academic or financial success we can achieve with a high IQ - emotional intelligence, or ‘EQ’ can take us further in every dimension of our lives - including at work. 🤑

    So, it’s time we learn how to understand our feelings, improve our ability to empathise with others and get the most out of life. It’s time to level up our EQ!

  • Motivation can feel like this elusive thing… sometimes we have it, sometimes we don’t. If we just wake up hoping that it’s there, we can be sorely disappointed 😓

    But why? Well, therein lies the answer: ‘WHY’! Motivation comes from our ‘why’. Do we have enough reason to do the things we want to do? And even when we have it, why do we sometimes still feel unable to get out of bed, find enough energy to smile and be a productive human being?

    This talk will help people understand the essence of motivation, how to cultivate it with practical tools for maintaining it; even through the darkest times. Why? Because we deserve it! ❤️

  • Touch is one of our most important senses. Without it, we wouldn’t have a clue how to navigate the world. 🙃 Not only that, it has benefits for our health - mental, physical and social!

    And yet, especially in the West, touch is often stigmatised and repressed. This can stunt children’s development with terrifying consequences and cause us to feel more disconnected from the world around us…

    Having researched our sense of touch and patented new ways to communicate it through technology 🤓 this talk will share my learnings about the cultural context behind touch and why it’s so important to each and every one of us! Finally, we’ll talk about the future of touch. You feel me? ;)